Career Tips

Rachel's Blog

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So, What in the Heck is Life Coaching?


7 Tips to Boost Confidence and Help You Make Fast Decisions

 I'm Rachel - a wellness and confidence coach and software engineer living in San Jose. 

I write about building confidence and satisfaction as a woman in tech. In my free time, I enjoy cooking, reading, and binging tv shows. 

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Read Part 1 – Why Mindset Actually Does Matter I’m currently getting certified in ‘Health Mindset Coaching’, a curriculum written and taught by a PhD in behavioral science Dr. Kasey Joe. This is a series of posts about what I’m learning and how you can use the science of behavior change to help make positive […]

Building a ‘growth mindset’ – the science of behavior change part 2

September 29, 2024

Pink cartoon brain with highlighter green glasses and legs lifting two highlighter green dumbbells and sweating.

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Do you struggle with feeling confident in making quick decisions? If so, you’re not alone. Read here for tips to build your confidence as a decision-maker! Being able to make fast and effective decisions is an essential skill in the world of tech. Often, even small decisions can feel like they’re mission-critical. In these moments, […]

7 Tips to Boost Confidence and Help You Make Fast Decisions

September 14, 2024

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Whenever I ask someone “How many hours do you work a week?”, I follow up with the question “How many hours do you think about work a week?”. The answer to the second question is almost always noticeably higher than the answer to the first. As someone in a thinking profession – engineering, product, management […]

How to actually leave work at work

June 11, 2023

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So, What in the Heck is Life Coaching?


7 Tips to Boost Confidence and Help You Make Fast Decisions

 I'm Rachel - a wellness and confidence coach and software engineer living in San Jose. 

I write about building confidence and satisfaction as a woman in tech. In my free time, I enjoy cooking, reading, and binging tv shows. 

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